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The Igbo Man

    2017-05-10 22:32:01         by   Fabian Ukaegbu

Whatever the wisdom, novelty, ostentation or arrogance, there are three main titles in Igboland and a true Igbo man is one who knows the custom and tradition of the land; hence, it is an abomination for an adult to stand watch while the goats hang on the rope. When what motivated the fathers do not motivate the sons raises the leverage to study who is motivated more. If the fathers were; then any piece of their custom found applicable to-date should herald their custom and anything novel must be subjected to immense scrutiny before it can be admitted. It is quiet recent that the Igbos talked of bank accounts, houses and cars previously customs were enough for a true Igbo. In this book, we shall examine customary approaches, legitimate standing, posterity and novelties. We shall address the basic issues so far identified as enabling or dragging Igbo down.

A new book coming soon....

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