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World News In Igbo

An Igbo Perspective

Trump ataala Yukren ụta maka ịmalite agha ha na mba Rọshịa
Nchịkọta akụkọ ndị kachasị mkpa mere na mbaụwa n'ọnwa Febụwarị 2025.

Onyeisiala Bola Tinubu ezigala ozi nkasiobi nye ezinaụlọ Edwin Clark lara mmụọ
Tupu ọ nwụọ, Edwin Clark bụbu kọmịshọna gọọmenti etiti na-ahụ maka mgbasaozi ma bụrụkwa onye ndu mpaghara Saụt Saụt Naịjirịa.

Ndịiche dị n'okpukperechi ọdịnala na ịgwọ ọgwụ 'okeite'
Ụfọdụ ndị dibia na ndị omenala Igbo doro anya akọwaala etu ọgwụ 'okeite' siri dị iche n'okpukperechi omenala.

Ihe ndị m na-emeghị kachasị ewute m oge m bụ Gọvanọ Enugwu Steeti - Sullivan Chime
Sullivan Chime bụ Gọvanọ Enugwu Steeti malite n'ọnwa Mee afọ 2007 ruo n'ọnwa Mee 2015.

Gọọmentị Anambra Steeti agbachiela ụlọekpere 'Children of Light Anointing Ministry' nke Onye eze Jesus nwee
Agụnaechemba bụ otu nchekwa Gọọmentị Anambra steeti hiwere anwuchiela onye amụma a ma ama bụ Onye eze Jesus.

Mmọnwụ Ijele: Ihe mere e ji akpọ ya nnukwu mmọnwụ
Akụkọ banyere mmọnwụ Ijele na uru ndị na-etiputa ya na-erite

"Okeite bụ ajọ ọgwụ, ọ bụghị omenala Igbo" – Law Mefor
Law Mefor kwupụtara nke a n'ajụjụ ọnụ pụrụiche BBC Igbo gbara ya.

Ihe i kwesiri ịma maka Ayo Adebanjo okeosisi dara oge ọ gbara afọ 96
Akụkọ maka ọnwụ Ayo Adebanjo nwụrụ mgbe ọdị afọ 96.

Mahadum Unizik achụọla nwataakwụkwọ lụsoro onye nkụzi ọgụ
Akụkọ nwataakwụkwọ Unizik lụsoro onyenkuzi ọgụ ma taa ya arụ.

Ọ bụghị eziokwu na Dọkịta ji onyonyoo YouTube waa nwaanyị dị ime ahụ - NMA
Osote onyeisioche NMA n'Imo steeti bụ Dkt John Ohiri kwuputara nke a n'ụbọchị Tọzde 13 Febụwarị 2025 oge onye ntaakụkọ BBC Igbo gbara ya ajụjụ n'ekwentị.

We Provide Courses In Igbo Language

Seven sessions in the main, for beginners and those who want to polish and improve on both their spoken and written ability in the language of their forebearers. Igbo is a name, a race, custom, place and system of expressions that go far back to 874th year of man on earth. The sessions shall emphasize on the special dispensations of Igbo and will empower the young ones of Igbo extraction residing in London to be prouder than novice; those, who have never had the opportunity to indulge in this poetic and expressive language. These workshops will have language, numerical, historical and cultural perspectives in abundance. .

If this is of interest to you, contact info is given below:

Phone Us: 077-2140-2376

The Executives

These are the current members of the executive team. The number will obviously increase as we promote our activities further.
If you are interested to become a member of the core team , please gives us a call. Our objective is to garner as much support as we can from all you Igbos (sic) out there in the diaspora and publish them here for public consumption. We very much welcome your contribution to this endeavour. Please feel free to comment on any of the subject matters mentioned on this site - correction, query, comment, addendum or an article of your own. We promise to amend or publish as soon as we can.

Fabian Ukaegbu LLB(Hons) MA


He is a founding guru and a man of substance in Igbo affairs. He believes in justice as the only way forward. He is a researcher with vision for the new era. He has reached rare depths and heights and has published highly challenging and provocative books (history, religion and current affairs: He is an Igbo man born and showered with Igbo customs. He believes that Igbo holds the key to the new and better world order.

He believes in critical and constructive instead of rhetorical learning. He likes calm, constructive and informative debates. He is a believer in humanity and customs. His concept of unison is an impartial commitment to all that is good for one and all, which was the pedigree of Igbo before AD 1441. He is also a friend of the earth, the dominion of man, where human is the ultimate sufferer or beneficiary of all causes. He has divine enlightenment and believes that all is not lost for mankind. His thought for the Institute is a forum for learning where people should drop pride, temper and assumption and wear scholarly aprons to entertain themselves and others. If life is too short, let us make it rosier while it lasts.

Benjamin Agwunobi MA, Cert PFS


He works in the field of finance,as an Independent Financial Adviser, for over 20years. He has a passion for preservation and promotion of cultures. With specific reference to Igbo affairs, he has been actively involved in organising and promoting Igbo Cultural Activities in the United Kingdom, Particularly since the late 1980s. He has played and continues to play key positive roles within notable and bona fide organisation related to the "Igbo Agenda" His most passionate objective is ensuring the survival of the beautiful Igbo Language, and if possible, inculcate it within the British curriculum, leading to GCSE and A Level, at least for the benefit of future generation.

Stephen Chukwunebunieze Ikepa


Is a civil engineer by profession. A man of many parts, a co-founding member of the institute, who believes that the best way for a better future for Afrika, is to adequately educate and equip the Afrikan leaders of tomorrow. He believes on creation of awareness based on balanced knowledge. He is a researcher, artistic and poetic minded fellow with determination to make tangible contribution.

He has written books such as "The marriage of Adorah" (A play) first performed at Albany theatre in Deptford 1998. and "Zimuzo". He has also written many poems and has exhibited his work at many art centres around London. He is an also a cultural oriented individual with a deep interest in the past. His motive force lies on his love for humanity. He is an Igbo man with a deep sense of history.



He has a core African background, stands for integrity and prestige as an Igbo man from a traditional home. Believes in upholding the youth and empowering the people. His ability to critically analyse and evaluate situations has helped people around him to reach unprecedented conclusions and make reasonable decisions. He has a wealth of experience in the legal and administrative fields, which will be applied in related events/issues that would be undertaken by the Institute. He hopes to use his outstanding experience in research to unseat ignorance and influence change especially in the mind-frame of many the Igbo Children, etc.

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Our Partners

Here, we hope to display a list of sponsors who have helped or continue to sustain us as we embark on this endeavour
If you or your organisation would like to participate,please give us a call and your name and link get added here as well.

Got a question or need for an emergency Igbo translator/translation?

We have got trained professionals waiting on these numbers for any of your emergency needs what ever the time or day 078-4543-2401